Standard Committees 


Delegate Remind

Please join the Remind that corresponds to the first letter of your last name.

(ex. Ted Jones would text @ctmunf24fj)

A-E, please sign up by texting @ctmunf24ae to 810-10 

F-J, please sign up by texting @ctmunf24fj to 810-10

K-O, please sign up by texting @ctmunf24ko to 810-10

P-T, please sign up by texting @ctmunf24pt to 810-10

U-Z, please sign up by texting @ctmunf24uz to 810-10

Sponsors, please sign up by texting @ctmunf24sp to 810-10

Click your committee name below to be taken to your committee page!









Crisis Committees


Delegate Remind

Please join the Remind that corresponds to the first letter of your last name.

(ex. Ted Jones would text @ctmunf24fj)

A-E, please sign up by texting @ctmunf24ae to 810-10 

F-J, please sign up by texting @ctmunf24fj to 810-10

K-O, please sign up by texting @ctmunf24ko to 810-10

P-T, please sign up by texting @ctmunf24pt to 810-10

U-Z, please sign up by texting @ctmunf24uz to 810-10

Sponsors, please sign up by texting @ctmunf24sp to 810-10

Click your committee name below to be taken to your committee page!

Watergate (Advanced)

Renaissance City-State (Novice)

Ad Hoc (Advanced)

Formula 1 : Abu Dhabi 2021

The Black Plague

Warrior Cats: The Darkest Hour

The Golden Age of Piracy : The British Empire

Mexican-American War: Mexico

The Titanomachy : Olympians

The Golden Age of Piracy : The Republic of Pirates

Mexican-American War: the United States

The Titanomachy : Titans