For centuries the oppressive forces of feudalism and absolutism have dominated the nations of Europe. Their endless wars and excessive spending have oppressed peasants and bourgeois alike with heavy taxation and arcane restrictions, all with minimal if any representation in government.

But now these old powers are falling.

The old traditions have been superseded by the rationalist ideals of the Enlightenment, and the very foundations of monarchy have been challenged. People are frustrated with the old ways and are openly voicing their frustrations.

In France these new men and women, bound by these ideals, have forged a position of influence, having created a National Assembly and forced the King and Ancien Régime to share power. They are working diligently to extend rights and influence to all men. But the counter revolutionary forces are still challenging this new revolutionary state. Furthermore, many revolutionaries seek to spread these new ideals to other nations of Europe.

The revolutionaries now are meeting in France to discuss their plans to implement a new order. You must work together to ensure that the Revolutionary state survives by any means necessary, but at the same time it's important to keep watch of who may be friend or foe in this uncertain time.

The forces of liberty must prevail, but how will it?

Crisis Director


Nathaniel Roe


Rules and Procedure

This committee follows parliamentary procedure as defined in our Crisis Committee Parley Pro Document. However, procedure during committee may be modified at the Moderator’s discretion.

Position Paper

All delegates wishing to be considered for an award must submit a position paper before the start of conference. Position paper quality will be included in consideration of awards, however paper quality will not hold as much weight in award consideration as actual committee performance. Position papers are meant to ensure a basis for delegate research and help delegates feel confident while participating during the conference.

Detailed instructions for writing and submitting Position Papers can be found in the Position Paper Guidelines Document.


If you have questions about committee content or the format of your committee, please contact your Crisis Director at with “Age of Revolutions: Revolutionary Leaders” in the subject line.

For questions about CTMUN conference and logistics, please contact