Take heed my subjects, death has come to our doorstep! The year is 1348, and the Black Plague has arrived in England. You and fellow experts have been tasked by King Edward III and Queen Isabella to try and curb the spread of this terrible pestilence spreading through their kingdom. The members of your council made up of the country’s biggest doctors, politicians, landowners, and more, have been promised riches and power in return for saving the King’s country. But the Black Plague has already been running rampant through Europe and is poised to bring English society to its knees. With the specter of death creeping ever closer, your King and Queen are relying on your expertise in this terrible pandemic. Will you stop the spread? Or will all of England end up dead?

Crisis Directors


Rafael Fernandez-Watson



Amber Matula



Rules and Procedure

This committee follows parliamentary procedure as defined in our Crisis Committee Parley Pro Document. However, procedure during committee may be modified at the Moderator’s discretion.

Position Paper

All delegates wishing to be considered for an award must submit a position paper before the start of conference. Position paper quality will be included in consideration of awards, however paper quality will not hold as much weight in award consideration as actual committee performance. Position papers are meant to ensure a basis for delegate research and help delegates feel confident while participating during the conference.

Detailed instructions for writing and submitting Position Papers can be found in the Position Paper Guidelines Document.


If you have questions about committee content or the format of your committee, please contact your Crisis Director.

For questions about CTMUN conference and logistics, please contact contact@ctmun.org.