General Assembly Plenary
Standard Committee
The General Assembly Plenary is a core body of the UN General Assembly, tasked with addressing a wide range of global issues, from disarmament to environmental sustainability. Unlike specialized committees, the GA Plenary does not have predetermined topics; instead, topics are introduced and voted on by the delegates, allowing for flexibility in the agenda. This committee can discuss any matter within the scope of the UN Charter, giving it a broad and dynamic mandate. As one of the largest committees, delegates can expect lively debates fueled by diverse perspectives from member states. For those seeking an engaging and multifaceted Model UN experience, the GA Plenary offers an unparalleled opportunity to tackle global challenges.
Pranav Pillai
My name is Pranav Pillai and I am a junior studying Management Information Systems with a certificate in Computer Science. I'm from Austin, Round Rock if we're being specific, and I am excited to be contributing to one of the premier MUN conferences in the state, right here in my backyard. I've been involved with MUN for about 7 years now as a delegate, Chair, and Crisis Director. Despite my experience, this will be the first time chairing a GA committee. Regardless, I am excited for this opportunity and look forward to meeting you all in November!
Topic is to be set by Delegates
No background guide is provided for the General Assembly, as the topic is set by delegates at the beginning of conference.
Rules and Procedure
This committee follows parliamentary procedure as defined in our Standard Committee Parley Pro Document. However, procedure during committee may be modified at the Chair’s discretion.
Position Paper
For the General Assembly committee, delegates must write a position paper on a topic they would like to see discussed by the committee.
All delegates wishing to be considered for an award must submit a position paper before the start of conference. Position paper quality will be included in consideration of awards, however paper quality will not hold as much weight in award consideration as actual committee performance. Position papers are meant to ensure a basis for delegate research and help delegates feel confident while participating during the conference.
Detailed instructions for writing and submitting Position Papers can be found in the Position Paper Guidelines Document.
Chair Contact
If you have questions about committee content or the format of your committee, please contact your chair.
For questions about CTMUN conference and logistics, please contact