Cordyceps are a fascinating and somewhat eerie family of parasitic fungi. The drama begins innocently enough, as microscopic spores of the Cordyceps fungus settle on an unsuspecting insect. Once the spores make contact, they infiltrate the insect's body with stealthy precision. Inside the host, the Cordyceps take control of the insect's nervous system. Once the fungus establishes full possession, it starts to devour the insect from the inside. Now a mere husk, the once-vibrant insect becomes a macabre puppet to the intricate and sinister dance of nature's arguably most horrifying parasite.

Fortunately, Cordyceps have never posed a threat to humans… until now.

On September 25th, the secretary of the US department of Health and Human Services received an emergency correspondence from the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Indonesia. The message detailed a devastating anomaly: Cordyceps infection found in humans. Recognizing the imminent danger to humanity, this committee of scientists, military strategists, government officials, and experts from diverse fields is called together for an urgent mission: to devise a comprehensive response strategy to contain the contagion and address the challenges presented by a world plunged into chaos. As this committee navigates the grim reality of a potentially Cordyceps-infested landscape, they will confront the pressing need for decisions that balance the preservation of society against the ruthless demands of survival in an increasingly hostile and uncertain environment.

Can you stop the spread? Or will this be the end of the world as we know it? Your actions will decide humanity’s fate in this NOVICE pandemic response committee inspired by the popular action-adventure video game turned HBO original series, The Last of Us.


Crisis Director

Kylie Pickett


Important Information

This committee is a novice committee. It is intended for those with little to no prior crisis committee experience / participation.

Rules and Procedure

This committee follows parliamentary procedure as defined in our Crisis Committee Parley Pro Document. However, procedure during committee may be modified at the Moderator’s discretion.

Position Paper

All delegates wishing to be considered for an award must submit a position paper before the start of conference. Position paper quality will be included in consideration of awards, however paper quality will not hold as much weight in award consideration as actual committee performance. Position papers are meant to ensure a basis for delegate research and help delegates feel confident while participating during the conference.

Detailed instructions for writing and submitting Position Papers can be found in the Position Paper Guidelines Document.


If you have questions about committee content or the format of your committee, please contact your Crisis Director.

For questions about CTMUN conference and logistics, please contact